GOATWHORE Frontman Interviewed On 'The Metal File'

June 16, 2009

Vocalist Ben Falgoust of GOATWHORE was interviewed for this week's "The Metal File" podcast from Montreal's CHOM-FM. You can stream the show online at this location.

The first single, "Apocalyptic Havoc", from GOATWHORE's upcoming album, "Carving Out The Eyes Of God", is available for streaming at this location.

"Carving Out The Eyes of God" is scheduled for release in the U.S. on June 23 via Metal Blade Records.

For the follow-up to 2006's "A Haunting Curse", GOATWHORE headed back to St. Petersburg, Florida to record with producer Erik Rutan at Mana Recording Studios, with mastering being handled by Alan Douches of West West Side.

Falgoust comments on the direction of the new album: "I don't really know how to explain this. I don't want to come off with the typical speech about how this record is our best yet and all of that. I will say that I am quite pleased how it has turned out and all parts relating to it. I feel every member put a great deal of effort into their part of the project. I even feel Erik Rutan busted his ass even more this time to make us feel that we didn't take any steps backwards in the recording and production of this releaseā€¦ I don't even really care what the critics say. I think the end result is basically coming up with something you have put a lot of work into and the satisfaction achieved in completing it. I will say that the new material is ripping metal and we still have that 'GOATWHORE' sound, whatever that may mean for each individual that enjoys or hates what we do. Just look at it as another step in the evolution of this band. Each person that hears it will have his or her own perception of it. Like it or not, we don't have a say in it. The only thing we can do is just keep writing the way we do and accept the criticism. Doesn't mean we are gonna listen to the criticism and change. Just give it an honest listen and if you dig it, awesome! If you don't, then pass it on to a friend or use it as a new drink coaster."

"Carving Out The Eyes Of God" track listing:

01. Apocalyptic Havoc
02. The All-Destroying
03. Carving Out The Eyes Of God
04. Shadow Of A Rising Knife
05. Provoking The Ritual Of Death
06. In Legions, I Am Wars Of Wrath
07. Reckoning Of The Soul Made Godless
08. This Passing Into The Power Of Demons
09. Razor Flesh Devoured
10. To Mourn And Forever Wander Through Forgotten Doorways


Ben Falgoust - vocals
Sammy Duet - guitar
Nathan Bergeron - bass
Zack Simmons - drums

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